Eating Disorders Affect 10% of the Population and are the
Second Deadliest Mental Health Disorder after Opioid Use Disorder
Despite the passage of the Mental Health Parity and Addictions Equity Act (MHPAEA) in 2008, which requires most insurers to cover illnesses of the brain no differently than illnesses of the body, 70 percent of those with Eating Disorders don’t get treatment, largely because of insufficient insurance coverage.
A new program developed by The Kennedy Forum, the nation’s leading mental health parity organization, and Project Heal, the national champion for Eating Disorder treatment access, will tackle this startling statistic head on.
ED Equity, a model mental health parity appeals program tailored specifically to Eating Disorders seeks to identify gaps in care and drive solutions through parity education, litigation, custom appeals resources for individuals and their families, and strategic partnerships.
Illegal insurance denials of coverage for Eating Disorder treatment must be stopped once and for all!
Learn more in this blog post from Project Heal Executive Director, Kristina Saffran.
Interested in supporting this important cause?
Questions? Please contact kristina@theprojectheal.org